Download Striking 5.5.0 build date 6 february 2025.
If you are a Striking license owner and you are still using the original portfolio theme the question is why??? Striking Portfolio has been deprecated since 2014 and you are doing serious SEO damage to your website by still using it, as well as depriving yourself of the benefits of the responsive version Striking MultiFlex, and even more importantly the pathway to WP Champion, our cutting edge theme which includes a live editor (WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get – front end drag and drop editing) which is a perfect tool for visually oriented people who find working with shortcodes and the WordPress editor a challenge.
We have backwards compatibility built into WP Champion for all Striking MultiFlex users but you have to update to Striking MultiFlex first!!
If you are far behind on updates or you do not feel capable of upgrading to Striking MultiFlex on your own we have a reasonably costed update services available which includes full backups, and some nice bonuses. Contact one of the team members at the support forum (which has the ability to contact us by email) or on Skype: to obtain assistance on paid support services. Hundreds of website owners have taken advantage of our custom webs services and we can provide testimonials on this should you need that comfort level.
Although we advised previously that we would not be providing further upgrades for the Striking Portfolio theme due to its aged code framework, our recent update logs show that we still have several hundred of you employing this theme (why??). We have determined that in order for those websites to remain functional and secure and to to be able to upgrade to Striking MultiFlex successfully, a followup update is necessary
Thus we are providing this emergency update of the Striking Portfolio “Original” theme version 5.5.0. We have a comprehensive thread posted at the Support Forum. with notes you should review prior to undertaking this update! The purpose of all changes is solely for security and compatibility purposes with WordPress 6.4. We strongly suggest you review our general introduction at our support forum about the core changes as it dramatically affects most themes and plugins.
This theme – the original Striking Theme based on a non-responsive code framework and released in 2010, has been discontinued for sale since Feb 2014 and publicly replaced with Striking MultiFlex. We have been warning for some time in past updates that the end was in sight for Striking Portfolio all the while continuing to support using the internal updater but it is now imperative all users update to Striking MultiFlex, which is a free upgrade for all licensed Striking owners.
If after reviewing the instructions you believe you are fine to use this update function then click the Upgrade to Version 5.5.0. button to install.
Following is an image of what one would see when they go to the Download portion of their Themeforest account. Once the license certificate has downloaded to your computer, please open it up and a few lines into it you will see your “Item Purchase Code”.
Striking Normal 5.5.0
Update list for striking 5.5.0 Date 06 february 2025
- Updated: Woocommerce CSS.
- Updated: admin language file.
- Updated: Frontend language file.
- Updated: custom.js and custom.min.js
- Updated: imagesLoaded.js
- Updated: Theme CSS
- Updated: Backend Theme.js & Script.js
- Updated: QuickSands js to version 1.6.
- Updated: Functions.php to avoid fatal error on wp 6.8!
- Updated: Wp PageNavi to version 2.94.4
- Updated: Mobile Detect to version 4.8.10
- Updated: Theme screenshot image.
- Added: Added check if index $wp_filter['the_content'] exists to avoid error entry in error log.
- Added: Social icons for Threads with a black Icon, Threads_Color with a multi colored Icon, Instagram, Whatsapp & X-Icon to social widgets.
- Added: User Roles for Theme Meta Boxes and Shortcode Generator.
- Added: Support for avif images in image resizer which are supported since WP 6.6+
- Added: Setting to enable SVG and ICO files in the Wordpress Media Library.
- Added: Dash-icons to Portfolio and Slideshow post type in admin area. Removed the old theme icon images and css as they where not working.
- Added: Added back in the download options for html5 video.
- Added: Image Exists check for locally hosted images that are not uploaded into the media library for Image and Picture Frame shortcode.
- Added: For better Seo added the Website description for the title tag in the header. It was missing on each page/post except the homepage.
- Added: Theme Lightbox Hover icon to Wordpress Images when setting Enable default lightbox for all images sitewide has been enabled.
- Added: Comments settings in the Theme advanced Settings panel to turn of linking of comments author, remove website field from the comments form and option to choose how comments text should be sanitized.
- Added: SVG Image support for Portfolio and Blog Lists.
- Improved: Frontend Security by Escaping theme settings on saving settings variables.
- Improved: Frontend Security by Escaping frontend variables.
- Improved: Frontend Security by Escaping frontend translatable variables.
- Improved: Frontend Security by Escaping backend translatable variables.
- Improved: Frontend Security by Escaping backend Slider captions, title & description.
- Improved: Frontend Security by escaping of all shortcodes parameters.
- Improved: Frontend Security by Escaping Pagination plugin.
- Improved: Backend Security by Escaping theme custom post types.
- Improved: Theme style.css repsonsive resizing of text fields in theme metaboxes.
- Improved: Escaping Image resizer URL on resize.
- Fixed: SlideShow settings missing default_{slideshow} presets and cleaning up slideshow templates that are deprecated.
- Fixed: Php 8.x deprecated message 'Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in' after resetting theme settings and modifying & saving the reseted settings.
- Fixed: JS warning for nivo slider.
- Fixed: Ltrim Pingback url in header.php and header-landing.php.
- Fixed: Call to deprecated wordpress get_page() function in front-page.php and breadcrumbs-plus.php.
- Fixed: Divider Advanced. Top text was not positioned correct if top padding was adjusted.
- Fixed: Comments button submit text not visible on IOS devices.
- Fixed: Recent Comments widget Icon before comment was not at the correct position.
- Fixed: Recent, Popular, Related Posts/Portfolio widgets and shortcodes following Thumbnail Size Settings in Theme Blog / Portfolio settings.
- Fixed: Edit ability in admin area for portfolio gallery images.
- Changed: Modified Upgrade Text Strings into translatable text strings.
- Changed: Nivo caption behaviour. Caption background now only shows if title caption exists. Nivo control buttons do not have tha caption background anymore if no caption text is found.
- Changed: variable name GDPR_CONSENT to GDPR_CONSENT_TEXT to avoid conflict with ghostery browser plugin.
- Changed: Woocommerce single-product/product-image-theme.php, product-thumbnails.theme.php & product-image.php files Woocommerec 9.10+
- Deprecated: Google Charts shortcode as google api has stopped.
- Deprecated: Twitter Feed Widget is deprecated as the Twitter API Script is no longer working due to payment requirements by X/Twitter. Advice: Use a X plugin instead if a Twitter/X Feed is required.
- Deprecated: Flash Support. SWFObject and flash.js are removed.
- Fixed: Breadcrumbs Menu Static Blog page was showing the wrong title => 'Home'.
- Added: Updater PHP 8.1 Version Check. Updating below php 8.1 will not be possible.